Under the Christmas Tree-Entice, Autumn Frost Event, POE10,Dear Santa,Z.O.E
Everyone loves presents and who wouldn't? This year my tree will be lacking the presents. But that is okay. It's all about spending time with family, friends and just enjoying the time of year. But it's not about the presents. But I have to say I got a lot of presents from my sponsors this year for Christmas and I couldn't be more excited. I did several events and I hope that you all enjoy hearing about them. The Christmas tree is from the Festive Winter Skybox that Z.O.E put out for the Peace On Earth Hunt 10. I am a lover of skyboxes and this one was awesome! Not only does it have an option just for the House box itself it also has a winter box that goes around it too. The snow that falls is so pretty and looks amazing. But due to my small amount of prims, I could only use the non-dome version. Then Z.O.E surprised me after showing her my blog and I am now a blogger for her!Thank you! So I got to go to the store and pick out several items that I wanted to blog. I couldn't help but get grabby fingers for Sled Decor Bells (Rare). I just had to have it! So uber cute.
With every winter scene, you have to have Reindeer, and I couldn't help but use the Mariposa Nice and Naughty Twin Joker deer. These can be found at the Dear Santa Event. They have little sayings that they each say when you press them. They are a must-have for your decor. Now back last year I never knew what these things were . But had a friend that was obsessed with them. They are the Bang Figures, made by Bang! Vinyl . Now I have to say, that when I saw the figures in these boxes I put them out instantly. They are the old original Christmas moves. Rudolph, Grinch, Frosty... the Christmas movies that I grew up with! These can be found at the Christmas Expo Event.
I couldn't help but put out the UI Winter Cloud Scene Deer and the Elk Set. These are very cute and decorative. There is a Fox, Polar Bear and Reindeer that goes with this set. If you're looking for something to take up an empty space or to add to an extensive scene this would do it!
Now the outfit that I have one is another one of my sponsors called Entice. The most part of the outfit is called Fire meets Gasoline. The Sweater, skirt, and tights. I then also took the boots off the set called Ireland's Call Boot. But I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this!
Lara Body- Maitreya
Skin-<Peach>MAITREYA (CURVY)-Pink Fuel
Piercings-PUNCH / Trine
.:ECCO:. Trothe Bridge Dermal Piercing(MP)
-DimplePiercings-Silver no shadow-(MP) [PuncturedPinup]
Sweater/Skirt/tights-Fire Meets Gasoline--Entice(TY)
Ireland's Call Boots--Entice(TY)

Gacha Good- Dear Santa Hunt
Hunt begins December 1st
Hunt Ends December 31st
1 linden for Hunters or 25 Linden for shoppers option
POE 10--Peace on Earth(THANK YOU)
>Blogger Packs-November 15th-November 28th, 2017
>Final Set up Day/Walkthru-->November 29th
>Hunt begins December 1
>Hunt ends on December 31st
Christmas Expo Event(Thank you)
Expo Begins December 1
Expo Ends on December 10
Fair Dates
Setup - Nov 15 - Nov 17, 2017
Fair Opens - Nov 18, 2017
Fair Closes - Dec 6, 2017

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