Come to my Room....

Can I just say.. OMG! I am so in awe of the designers for this round of The Nightmare event. I couldn't decide who or what to use, so I combined a few that I thought would look amazing together. They did just that. Everything fit together in a design that would come out a bad dream. The skin from LURE called Revenant was amazing. I loved the ghostly feel that it helped give with the detail on the skin. I did love the fact that the face applier for the Catwa was already included as well. But, of course when it comes to eyes, you can't just be all plain Jane on them, so I went with Xylo set from Zibska . There is a hud that gives you 8 color option. Now normally I don't do the full body and face tattoos named Oui ,but I am totally digging the set from Nox. I was blown away at the intricate detail of the tattoos. Now.... that hair! It's from {Letituier} and it's called Dahlia Hair. I don't think I have seen here of this fluff...